Interview on Radio Punto Sud

The original interview is for an Italian radio, below you can find the translation in English.

Q: How do you define yourself as an artist?

A: I thank you for calling me an artist. I define myself more as a creative person and an art lover because I do it with passion and for passion. In these 14 years, I had the opportunity to experiment with different techniques, starting from digital painting, then moving on, to light installations and finally find my way into photography and video art, in which I think I can best express my curiosity for research.
My photos belong to the genre of “Staged Photography”, and I like to create photo shoots, where I take care of everything in the small details and at the same time, seeking to recreate real situations, environments and characters with an introspective approach; in fact, my works are mainly inspired by the greats of psychology such as Jung, Freud and Bauman.

Q: Let’s talk about Delimited rooms, how did this project come about?

A: My latest project Delimited rooms, was born by chance during the period of the first lockdown; perfect meaning for this historical period, but it was accidental, because it talks about my travels, from a psychological point of view and the feelings, emotions I felt during these travels.
The project is made up of 6 photos, in which for the first time I have chosen to take an active part, also acting as a model; this project has been set in domestic places where takes place most of our intimate life , with an outward glance, wishing to escape to faraway places, full of many experienced emotions.
In fact, each project is created for different life situations, because you find yourself faced with very strong emotions and sensations that you need to throw out, and they have to come to life perhaps also to take away a weight you have inside…
I am happy with the result of this project, both from the point of view of its implementation, but also from the satisfaction it is giving me, with scenarios that I could never have imagined, such as winning the Gold award at the Tokyo International Foto Festival, the third prize at VIPA in France, the third prize at the Finestre di Comunità competition in Palermo and being one of the winners in a competition organised by the Italian Cultural Institute of Tirana.

Q: Why do you think Delimited Rooms has been so successful?

A: It’s not easy to say, because there are always many factors involved, such as the theme, the technique used, the emotion it arouses in the person viewing the work, etc. etc. But what is most valuable to me is that I have found an alternative way of looking at photography, because in this case I combined photography and 3D to create environments with monochromatic tones, in which everything is apparently static and monotonous, but which in reality conveys an engaging communicative force. Every time I look at these photos, I get excited because there really is all of me, my story, the desire for redemption, the determination to go forward, the desire to improve and to look beyond those windows that apparently are journeys of the past, but which in practice is always a look to the future.

Q: Do you have any other future projects?

A: I have some ideas for the next project, which I hope to make them soon. Of course there is always the desire to improve, experiment, find new expressive forms and above all the thing that must never be lacking is passion, because until now passion has been the driving force behind my work, which has pushed me to go ahead and always look for that something extra that I had not yet experienced.

Q: Would you like to do an exhibition in Italy?

A: Yes, of course! Now I’m much more attached to Italy because when you live in another country you miss your own country. It’s fine any place to show my works and I would be happy to have an exhibition at Francavilla Fontana, the city where I grew up.