Yicca exhibition 15/29 January

ita_ La mostra finale del concorso “YICCA 21/22”, si terrà dal 15 al 29 Gennaio 2022 a Milano, negli spazi della fondazione “LUCIANA
MATALON FOUNDATION” Foro Buonaparte, 67 – 20121 Milano.
La mostra presenta le opere di 18 artisti finalisti. Ogni artista, attraverso mezzi diversi, indaga le prospettive e le sfumature multiformi
dell’essere umano, mostrando nuovi concetti innovativi. Le opere dei vari artisti inclusi in questa mostra entrano in risonanza con le principali realtà culturali, economiche e politiche contemporanee vissute come parte della vita quotidiana e attraverso la società
attuale. Questa mostra ripercorre le tendenze emergenti dell’arte contemporanea, abbracciando generazioni diverse che con le loro pratiche attraversano le varie discipline della creazione artistica.

artisti: Antonella Zito – Italy, Bianca Bozgan – Switzerland, Delphine Hogarth – France, Giacomo Toth – Italy, Giacomo Zornetta – Italy, Giovanni Longo – Italy, Guido Bottazzo – Italy, Hiroshi Mehata – Japan, Ima Montoya -Spain, J Kwon – South Korea, Jesse Egner – United States of America, Katrina Thibodeau – Canada, Kurt Stimmeder – Austria, Melanie Geyer – Austria, Nick Chatfield-Taylor – United States of America, Sofhie Mavroudis – Belgium, Sun Hee Moon – Italy, Takeshi, Inoue – Japan

eng_ Exhibition: 15th/29th January 2022 at “LUCIANA MATALON FOUNDATION” – Milan.
The exhibition presents works by 18 international artists. Each artist, through different mediums, investigates the multi-facet perspectives and shades of the human being, displaying new innovative concepts. The works of the various artists included in this exhibition resonate with major contemporary cultural, economic and political realities experienced as part of everyday lives and across the globe. This exhibition traces the emergent contemporary art’s current trends, spanning different generations, their practices traversing the disciplines of contemporary artistic creation.